The CMAE is both a professional association that provides education programmes and a certification programme (CCM-Certified Club Manager) to individual managers from all over Europe and they are also a pan-European body that embraces and unifies all of the national club managers associations throughout the European Union and its neighbours.

In the last three years, the CMAE has been able to welcome 22 different club managers associations from all around our continent into the CMAE network and their network represents approximately 6,500 club managers.

The CMAE will include the EGTMA logo and link their ‘Allied Association’s’ list on the CMAE website, and they would also introduce the EGTMA to their affiliate partners throughout Europe, encouraging them to contact the EGTMA should they have and golf & travel related media requirements.

The EGTMA in turn agrees to circulate the CMAE e-newsletter to all EGTMA members and advise it’s members of any golf media travel opportunities that may arise from time to time among the CMAE and its partners.

Club Managers Association Europe

Started in 1990

22 member associations

25 different countries

Over 6,500 club managers

Head office at Federation House, Warwickshire