Christian Fellner - Germany
Christian started to work as a journalist in april 1997 and became an editor in October 2000. Responsible for the sports department at a daily paper called the "Garmisch-Partenkirchner Tagblatt"
Christian also contributed as a freelancer for "GolfAktuell" up until 2017. He also writes about golf for the ‘Münchner Merkur’, the largest daily newspaper in the greater Munich and upper Bavaria region and writes the golf and travel reports for their quarterly magazine called "Grünland" (Greenland). He also contributes to an online golf magazine called
Christian lives in Garmish-Partenkirchen in the Bavarian Alps where they ski in winter and golf in summer. He plays of a handicap of 4.5 out of the golfclub at Garmish.
Contact Details
T: +49 0170/482 74 06
Member Since: 2019